PLASTICARIUM - Doctoral thesis
The dissertation is an analysis of creating a visual language that affects the ecological awareness of children on the example of designing an interactive online book about microplastics. In the written part of the work, I recalled selected stories of ideas about the place of animals in the world and human life. I presented the evolution of the relationship between humans and animals in the field of the history and ideas. Then I presented the harmfulness of microplastic and the negative consequences of many years of disregarding the problem of excessive production and lack of plastic recycling, and the possible role of a designer in creating a better tomorrow. The publication defines the concept of gamification and presents the possibilities of using this strategy in educational materials intended for the youngest. I described my first experiences in creating artistic and educational content on the example of the Balticarium project and the genesis of the idea of implementing an interactive project about microplastics as part of my doctoral thesis. The dissertation presents conclusions from meetings with children during artistic workshops that I conducted. I presented examples of publications for children on ecology by showing selected picture books designed by me and other authors. The topic of visual communication and its role in the perception of children was also discussed. The digital revolution proved that a picture book can function in the electronic world with its extensive, interactive counterpart. In the dissertation there were presented examples of digital projects for the youngest recipients about environmental protection and an analysis what exactly type of features have the well-structured, illustrated content in the electronic environment. There is no shortage of information of the risks arising from the use of virtual content, even if they were created for legitimate purposes. I described the design process that led me to the final effect - a digital picture book for children about microplastics in the form of a website. At the end, conclusions from the study and development plans were presented.
Exhibition and defense of the doctoral thesis entitled "Microplastic - Macroproblem".
Analysis of the creation of a visual language that affects the ecological awareness of recipients based on the author's interactive online book about microplastics.
The public defense of the doctoral dissertation took place on October 18, 2022
Place of exhibition and defense: Faculty of Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
Promoter: prof. dr hab. Sławomir Witkowski, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
Auxiliary supervisor: dr. Zbigniew Mańkowski, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Banachowicz, University of the Arts in Poznań
prof. dr hab. Maciej Buszewicz, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw